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TTI assessments, DISC profiles, EQ profiles

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Our team members are ready to discuss the TTI Emotional Quotient™ Assessment with you. If you are struggling with questions like:

  • Is the TTI Emotional Quotient™ Assessment right for my team?
  • How does bulk ordering of TTI Emotional Quotient™ Assessments work?
  • What is DISC? What is 12 Driving Forces? What is Emotional Quotient™?
  • How do I know if it will work for my team?

You've come to the right place, simply complete the contact form and the Resources Unlimited team will reach out to you shortly!

Talk to a tti emotional quotient™ assessment expert today

emotional quotient™ profile

Do you know and understand your emotions?

Benefits of Emotional Quotient™ or EQ

  • Reveals what's the best way to motivate your team.
  • Improves your interpersonal relationships both professionally and personally.
  • Assists your ability to read and understand nonverbal cues.
  • Helps you adjust your behaviors and reactions in decision making enviornments.


The Emotional Quotient™ Assessment, also know as EQ or Emotional Intelligence, evaluates your ability to recognize and understand your emotions and others, and trains you to use the overall emotional well-being to build stronger relationships, better collaboration, and higher productivity.

The TTI Emotional Quotient™ Assessment (EQ) is a 13 page report that uses the latest research in emotional intelligence and includes a 360-degree feedback report including: Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Social Awareness, and Social Regulation.

TTI Emotional Quotient™ (EQ) is most commonly used in developing leadership skills, improving team collaboration, and helping build emotional awareness within oneself.

If you would like to know more about TTIS Emotional Quotient™, check out the sample report below or click the button to talk to a TTI Expert.